LOBO de CRIN o BOROCHI (Chrysocyon brachyurus)

Cánido de las pampas. Los guaraníes lo llaman aguará guasú ("zorro grande")
Más información en español, inglés y alemán o ver foto o video

A MIS LECTORAS... y al resto

“Amigos lectores que leerán este libro blog, | despójense de toda pasión | y no se escandalicen al leerlo |
no contiene mal ni corrupción; | es verdad que no encontrarán nada de perfección |
salvo en materia de reír; |
mi corazón no puede elegir otro sujeto | a la vista de la pena que los mina y los consume. |
Vale mejor tratar de reír que derramar lágrimas, | porque la risa es lo propio y noble del alma. Sean felices!
--François Rabelais (circa 1534) [english]

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

The Spirit

The Spirit (Denny Colt) is a fictional character appearing in the comic books published by DC Comics. Created by writer-artist Will Eisner, he first appeared in Spirit Section #1 (June 1940).
A crime-fighter, the Spirit debuted on June 2, 1940, in a seven-page insert into American Sunday-newspaper comics sections.
The Spirit
chronicles the adventures of a masked vigilante who fights crime with the blessing of the city's police commissioner Dolan, an old friend. Despite the Spirit's origin as a detective named Denny Colt, his real identity was virtually unmentioned again and for all intents and purposes he was simply "the Spirit". The stories range through a wide variety of styles, from straightforward crime drama and noir to lighthearted adventure, from mystery and horror to comedy and love stories, often with hybrid elements that twisted genre and expectations.
[Deutscher Blog über das Thema]

"Tengo el aspecto de una chica buena?"
(hacer doble click en la foto para ver el trailer)

Download of the ripped film
(use torrent manager software utorrent)
Plot of the film
In Central City, rookie cop Denny Colt returns from the dead as the detective known only as the Spirit to fight crime. After he finds his nemesis, the Octopus, at the Central City mud flats, the femme fatale Sand Saref discovers two chests in a nearby pond. She tries to flee with both chests, but the Octopus shoots at her, snapping the line that connects the two chests together. After a fight with the Spirit, Octopus takes the remaining chest that Saref left behind and escapes with one of his thugs. The Octopus wants the mystical Blood of Heracles in order to become immortal and Sand Saref wants the treasure of the Argonauts, but both people end up with the wrong chest, Sand with the blood and the Octopus with the treasure of the Argonauts.

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