LOBO de CRIN o BOROCHI (Chrysocyon brachyurus)

Cánido de las pampas. Los guaraníes lo llaman aguará guasú ("zorro grande")
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A MIS LECTORAS... y al resto

“Amigos lectores que leerán este libro blog, | despójense de toda pasión | y no se escandalicen al leerlo |
no contiene mal ni corrupción; | es verdad que no encontrarán nada de perfección |
salvo en materia de reír; |
mi corazón no puede elegir otro sujeto | a la vista de la pena que los mina y los consume. |
Vale mejor tratar de reír que derramar lágrimas, | porque la risa es lo propio y noble del alma. Sean felices!
--François Rabelais (circa 1534) [english]

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

The Sign of the Cross (1932)

Claudette Colbert en su baño de leche
El Código Hays
El Criticón
NY X Colbert = Re - Viewing Claudette
Her favorite is one called
“Give me liberty or give me love.”
The idea is that men made her suffer and she is going to make them pay.
Her favorite epigram:
“I’m like glass. Nothing will cut me but diamonds.”
The un-reviewed 1932 movie, Sign of the Cross, is the pious DeMille spectacular where Colbert takes her famous milk bath.
January 21, 1933 by Mordaunt Hall. While George Arliss is to be seen at the Radio City Music Hall as a monarch who is only too glad to get rid of his throne, Claudette Colbert is appearing on the screen of the Paramount as a Queen who pleases her people by marrying a commoner—the man she has been in love with since she left her country a year before. It is interesting to note that Mr. March and Miss Colbert are also lending their talents to Cecil B. De Mille’s film of “The Sign of the Cross,” which is now at the Criterion … Miss Colbert, with all due respect for royalty, is almost too good looking for a queen.

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