Research: web porn stops men fromperforming
Men in their 20s have a lot to worry about.
Y los del doble de edad, tenemos dobles preocupaciones?
Men in their 20s have a lot to worry about.
Y los del doble de edad, tenemos dobles preocupaciones?
Will they ever get a job? Will they ever keep that job for more than a
few months? Will they ever have enough money to pay their student loans
and still be able to spend $100 a week on pot? Will they ever put their
pants on the right way round at the first attempt?
Now it seems that something they do for recreation, in order to take
their mind off their worries, is having increasingly worrying effects.
My hard-core reading of Psychology Today caused me to come across a pained and painful piece called "Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is a Growing Problem."
The thesis behind this frightful news--supported by research
performed in Italy and elsewhere--is that Internet porn desensitizes
young men to such a degree that, when actually faced with a real human
from their target sex group, they are entirely unable to participate as
they should.
Indeed, research from the University of Padua in Italy
suggested that erectile dysfunction due to excessive Web porn begins
for many men in their teens. 70 percent of those young men who came to
seek help for performance issues said they were Web porn habitues.
The weary and wise might offer that this problem must be
psychological. Yet the researchers declare: "Hold on there, big brains."
For their belief is that Web porn simply numbs men's pleasure
receptacles, desensitizing responses to the neurochemical dopamine. This
is a chemical associated with reward and, in young men, researchers
believe that gorging on Internet porn simply shuts down the
physiological sense of reward from sex.
Because the Web allows for so many different--and, if the user so
chooses--ever more intense stimulations, the mind-body continuum begins
to feel nothing at all. Yes, it's a little like 15 minutes of "Keeping
Up With the Kardashians."
It seems that when these young men are suddenly confronted with a
real sexual encounter, the idea of coupling with a real human being
feels suddenly numbing--and therefore frightening.
You might wonder what happens when young men try to wean themselves
off their Web porn habits. Studies show that they experience all sorts
of withdrawal pains, including insomnia and catchall flulike symptoms.
I know that the Web is supposed to be the repository of all that is
open and shared and loving. It seems possible, though, that its very
ease offers so much of a good thing that the put-upon males of
Generation Y just can't cope, poor dears.
Perhaps all porn Web sites should exclude anyone under 35. For public health reasons, you understand.
Y también a los mayores de 36!!
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